Environmentally responsive app generates sustainable camp layouts for government- and NGO first- responders


Solar Panel Positioning & Energy Management System

ReBuiLDR is an environmentally responsive AI-augmented mobile app that provides a digital blueprint for precision solar positioning during rapid emergency shelter deployment, eliminating guesswork so people in need can be housed quickly.

Built on blockchain, ReBuiLDR allows for energy module trading and management among camp residents as well as with surroundig communities, creating self-sustainable camps and contributing to circular economies with host countries, offsetting the high cost of maintenance and resettlement.

Women and girls make up half of all displaced people, but only 4.5% of aid protects their rights.

​The configuration of emergency shelter encampments compounds violence. The physical layout of housing, hygiene and service areas rarely include women’s actual needs for survival and safety. As a result, many women and girls never seek shelter or relief.

ReBuiLDR provides a digital blueprint for rapid emergency shelter deployment prioritizing the safety and hygiene needs of women and girls.

Utilizing the technology of land survey apps to measure and mark terrain, first responders can quickly deploy shelter encampments according to responsive blueprints that maximizes stakeholder safety.

In Darfur refugee camps, 82% of rape victims treated by Médecins Sans Frontières were attacked while conducting daily familial duties, such as fetching water.