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Pretty Deadly Self Defense™

Self Defense Course + Trainer Certification

1 in 3 women will experience violence in her lifetime, but only 1 in 20 women have learned self defense.

Pretty Deadly Self Defense™ is a first-of-its-kind self defense trainer certification and plug-in course curriculum for fitness and martial arts professionals to teach responsible, effective self defense to women. Pretty Deadly promotes body literacy and self confidence, while increasing women's engagement and stickiness to regular fitness and martial arts practices.

Supported by a members-only marketplace, e-learning platform and booking system for certified trainers, Pretty Deadly provides a robust ecosystem that supports personal trainers and martial arts practitioners with reliable income streams and valuable tools to help their business grow.

Pretty Deadly is the first women's self defense program in the world to earn accreditation from government sports bodies, increasing our value-add for fitness and martial arts professionals.

Pretty Deadly feels like a step beyond --
more tailored, more aware, more modern.

Demi Anter, Pretty Deadly Berlin

Course completion rate
Program grads

Results from early market validation in Beta testing phase.

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